Wednesday, August 24, 2011

40 Things That I Have Learned in My 40 Years: Ryan's 40 at 40.

I turn 40 this month and I decided to come up with a list of 40 things (ok 45 things, one only turns 40 once. Plus it was hard to limit the list to only 40. I've been fortunate to learn much in my 40 years and I look forward to learning more.) in no particular order that I've learned over the years either through experience or that have been graciously imparted to me by others. As always, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. -Ryan

1. "Know who you are and whose you are."-Iris Nash
2. In regards to raising children: "The days are long, but the years are short."- Nizam Alkins
3. "Friends are the family that you choose."-Eleanor Haynes
4. "Be open to all possibilities."-Candy Crouch
5. "You can't talk to crazy!"-Yvonne Haynes
6. "Take time to smell the roses."-Yvonne Haynes
7. "Stretch yourself; don't be afraid to make yourself uncomfortable at times."-Yvonne Haynes
8. One should take the time to cultivate friendships.
9. People share more in similarities than they do in differences.
10. Listen to children, they can teach us a lot.
11. Do something nice for yourself every now and then.
12. Be humble.
13. Get as much sleep as you can when you are young because when one gets older, sleep... forget it, especially with children :).
14. "When you get paid, pay yourself first."-John Rose (My grade 12 Marketing teacher)
15. Don't be afraid to pick up the bill/cheque.
16. "Speak only to improve the silence."-Chinese Proverb
17. One learns more by listening than by speaking.
18. "Be careful when speaking, one never knows who is listening."-Jean Skelton
19.  Try not to be a jerk!
20. Be spontaneous at times.
21. Don't be afraid to cry.
22. "Life happens when we are busy making other plans."-John Lennon
23. Tell your children that you love them often and show it.
24. "Experience is a great teacher."-Darren Mc Carty
25. "Don't follow an apology with an excuse."-Anonymous
26. Don't be afraid to fail. This is when some of life's most important lessons take place.
27. "Don't wear plaid with stripes."-Yvonne Haynes (Thanks mom, I learned this handy sartorial advice when I was 7 yrs old. I was born in the 70's, what can I say.)
28. "Be careful for what you ask for because when you get it, then you have to deal with it."-A talent agent I once met.
29. Cupid's arrow strikes when one least expects it.
30. Hang with people who won't bring you down.
31. Don't take yourself too seriously and definitely learn to laugh at yourself.
32. Have a sense of humor.
33. A smile can be quite disarming.
34. "Smile when you enter a room. People will think you're fun and they may want to know what you are up to."- Neil Strauss  :)
35. Travel if you can.
36. The world is small and gets smaller everyday.
37. Try not to live in fear.
38. Be thankful!
39. Don't have your business all out in the street.
40. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
41. Don't be a friggin' sheep. It's ok not to follow the crowd. Dissent is not a bad thing!
42. "Happiness is not the town in which you arrive, it's the manner in which you travel."-Ren Pacquette
43. "If you spend your whole life looking for doughnuts, doughnuts are all you will ever find."-A guy named Earl I struck up a conversation with on Yonge St. in Toronto.
44. "Wait at least 10 seconds before replying to an e-mail."-Jack Murphy (Trust me, it works!)
45. Have friends of the opposite sex, the different perspective they provide on life can be enlightening and  fascinating.


Anonymous said...

Have friends of the opposite sex, the different perspective they provide on life can be enlightening and fascinating.

I lIke!!!!

Happy B day my friend!

kusss Han

Anonymous said...

Another great post Haynes! I need to print this off and post.


Joan said...

Nice list, Haynes. I recognize many of these quotes from knowing you. I'm going to try that "smile when you enter a room" one now. :)

(p.s. it's really me this time)

HSB DaveB. said...

"You can't talk to crazy."

Perhaps the best five word sentence in the world ever!!!

Peace and SOUL,